Comment 100810

By RobF (registered) | Posted May 02, 2014 at 11:55:00 in reply to Comment 100802

Do you have an opinion on "fixies" without proper brakes? They seem to be all the rage with hipsters and certain hardcore cyclists these days.

I agree with the basic thrust of your article above, btw. From a safety perspective all the strategies employed by pedestrians and cyclists to avoid getting killed or maimed by cars or other moving vehicles do not change the basic equation: get into a collision with a car, bus, or train and you come out the loser.

That is why most pedestrians and cyclists exercise extreme caution everyday when navigating the city. I drive too, and hope to never get into an accident, but i realize the risks that come with the privilege of driving a car. I think of that each day as i walk my daughter to school and watch people speed up to the cross-walk and then accelerate past the school as if they are the only thing that matters. That is the most dangerous part of her day ... the 5 minutes when she is at the highest risk of being injured or killed. I wonder sometimes if some motorists realize that as they glare while waiting impatiently for us to use the cross-walk (note i said some, as many drivers smile and are courteous).

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