Comment 100795

By notlloyd (registered) - website | Posted May 02, 2014 at 08:09:10 in reply to Comment 100788

"In every situation where a pedestrian or cyclist is killed or injured by an automobile, it is the automobile that caused the death and someone was in control of that automobile. That is a fact. If the driver had instead chosen to walk, there would have been no serious accident."

The author used the word "every." If he had have said "most" or "in the accidents where the driver is at fault" maybe it could be read differently. But overall, it is very difficult to see that he took anything other than an absolutist position.

As to hyperbole, I didn't read it as hyperbole or rhetoric. I read that cars are "the" problem and I thought he truly believed that that until after discussion the author conceded that there may me situations where a cyclists might be at fault for injuring himself but would not concede that he was morally at fault.

It is very difficult to read the article and the comments of the author without believing he has an absolutist view.

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