Comment 100770

By kevlahan (registered) | Posted May 01, 2014 at 17:26:04 in reply to Comment 100766

Nowhere did I say drivers are always at fault, and certainly not that they intend to kill or maim.

If a hunter unintentionally kills a hiker because he mistakes the hiker for a deer, would you say the hunter was not responsible because the hiker should have been wearing bright orange or making noise or not walking in the bush in hunting season?

I'll run the risk of making you feel tired in the hope that you might possibly reflect on why thousands are killed and hundreds of thousands are injured on our roads in Canada every year and make you wonder why our police consider that "careless driving" is one of the most difficult charges to get a conviction of under the HTA.

And if you really are a traffic engineer (which I highly doubt given your attitude to traffic safety) it should be your professional responsibility to be thinking about how to make our roads safer ... and that starts with the most dangerous factor on our roads (hint: it's not pedestrians).

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