Comment 100766

By durander (registered) | Posted May 01, 2014 at 17:07:49 in reply to Comment 100761

I'm with Jeremy S on this one. This 'better than thou' attitude lately on RTH w.r.t. cyclists and pedestrians is getting a little tiring. It is about a balance, and there's no 'fix all' solution. But to say drivers are always at fault, it flawed. And comparing to guns as did one reader, is well, to put it bluntly, absurd. No one is going out driving intending to injure/kill anyone...regardless of what some of you think. P.S. I live downtown and walk/cycle a fair bit too, so don't respond saying I'm just a crazy car driver. I even negotiate the supposed 'freeways' of downtown, and the collision causing intersection at Queen and Herkimer!

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