Comment 100699

By Reel Time (anonymous) | Posted April 28, 2014 at 23:45:07

As a frequent flyer commuting the QEW to TIFF, Vega Road or other points east to catch movies of interest, I wholeheartedly support what this series is trying to do. Unfortunately, by the time many features like this show in Hamilton they've often had T.O. rotation and a lot of us, unwilling to wait, have made the trek to see them there. I would love to see a screen, or even two or three, at the Landmark given over to showing films like this in "reel" time, when they first become available and, ideally, for more than just single show or night. While I may be overestimating the audience for fare such as this in the Hammer, I can safely say the AGH misses out on a lot of potential viewers with the lag. I know I'm not the only one who has already gone to Hogtown for films in their series before they get here. That said, I hope they keep up the good work. These films need to be seen. Not every flick needs to be a Marvel.

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