Comment 100643

By scrap (anonymous) | Posted April 25, 2014 at 22:10:26

I have talked with Laura and she does have her issues with ODSP , not knowing her disabiltiy, as that is not my business.

The challenge that comes forward, does Ms Cattari represent all those on ODSP? It is dangerous in a sense to allow one voice, that does not represent the total. What gives her the right to speak for the many? How do we know given an audit of things, that things are up and up???

I am always suspect of those who are deemed as the YWCA women of honor. Yes I know what that means, bullying is the forefront, so why should we even listen or even support an organization that is the not what it seems.

Of course, the YWCA relies on federal funding to exist, so of course they would deem those at a grassroots level the enemy.

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