Comment 100541

By seancb (registered) - website | Posted April 21, 2014 at 20:56:26 in reply to Comment 100521

You really need to research this a bit deeper. Several points:

  • If you are concerned about the costs of cycling infrastructure, keep in mind that our current roads budget allocates less than one half of one percent to cycling infrastructure.

  • Municipal roads are paid for by municipal property taxes, which all residents pay, regardless of how many vehicles they own, and what type. So cyclists do in fact pay for local roads.

  • We do not pay "road taxes"

  • Many cyclists also own cars and pay all of the fees associated with car ownership.

  • Gas tax, license and registration fees do not pay for the roads.

  • Insurance is a separate issue, and the reason we pay such high rates as motorists is because of the high risk involved in operating a large piece of machinery.

  • Any cyclist who has a home insurance policy already has "cyclist insurance". Home policies cover damage/injury caused while riding a bicycle (the same way they cover boat usage, rollerblade usage or barbecue usage). The risk of cyclist damaging themselves or others is so tiny that there is no surcharge for this coverage.

  • Not sure what emissions tests have to do with this discussion since the emissions of bicycles is zero.

Why are you so angry?

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