Comment 100537

By AnjoMan (registered) | Posted April 21, 2014 at 18:20:07 in reply to Comment 100521

Cyclists don't pay road taxes

Except for when their city spends municipal property taxes on roads..or when their provincial/federal gov't spends their income taxes on roads...hmm.

...for a system they don't pay into?

not true

You are assuming that somehow your drivers registration and fuel tax fees pay for roads..but they don't. They pay only a fraction of the entire costs of the road. Drivers have to pay more fees because it is exponentially more expensive to build and manage an effective transportation grid that accomodates cars than it is to accomodate cyclists. A good example is that the new intersection at peter's corner was built for something like $8 million (just for one intersection!), while the entire Cannon cycle track is expected to cost around $700,000 to build. You can keep being mad about cyclists but that doesn't make you right.

Comment edited by AnjoMan on 2014-04-21 18:27:11

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