Comment 100523

By brent.chislett (registered) | Posted April 21, 2014 at 13:09:35 in reply to Comment 100516

Yes, you pay 13% HST when you buy a bike, but that is all. You don't pay it again, every time the bike is resold. "Most cyclists own cars", if you have data to support this argument, I'd like to see it. And just like you've yet to see a motorist ticked for improper lane changes and improper passing, I've yet to see cyclists ticketed for failing to stop at a red light, or cycling against the flow of traffic. However, I relent, that just because we haven't seen things personally, doesn't mean they don't happen.

Cyclists shout from the rooftops about their safety rights when it comes to roads-- but when confronted with the proposition of paying a nominal tax to improve their safety, they run from the argument or form their rebuttals based on the writer's "silliness" or "nitwittedness".

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