Comment 100516

By Henry and Joe (anonymous) | Posted April 21, 2014 at 11:57:54 in reply to Comment 100514

@Brenty: Roads are constructed for cars" agreed. That is why change is needed. Here is where I disagree:

1)There is no administration for bicycle registration needed, so this nominal fee would be purely vindictive
2) I paid 13% HST on my new $1000 bike just like I paid on my new $19 000 vehicle. Btw, most cyclists also own cars, but since roads are paid for by city taxes, cyclists pay these taxes too. Do pedestrians, skateboarders, and rollerbladers need licences too?
3) Even though I almost die every time I ride across the city, I have yet to see anyone ticketed for improper lane changes and improper passing.
4) That is just silly
5) refer to 1
6) bicyles don't kill people or cause excessive property damage
7) unlike cars, bicycles don't contribute to the air pollution that cause 183 premature deaths a year in Hamilton alone

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