Comment 100514

By Brenty (anonymous) | Posted April 21, 2014 at 11:31:41

Why do cyclists feel so entitled to streets? Why should cyclists have the same rights as cars on the roads?

The fact of the matter is, roads are constructed for cars... period. And, for the most part, motorists pay for these roads. If bikes want the same privileges and considerations as vehicles they should:

1) Have license plates and pay $80.00 a year for a registration sticker
2) pay exorbitant taxes on bikes and pay them again every time the bike is resold
3) be ticketed every time they incur a traffic violation
4) be ticketed for parking violations
5) pay for a safety on their bike every time ownership is transferred
6) be insured and carry proof of insurance
7) be subject to pointless and egregious emissions testing

However, the monetary cost of riding a bike on city streets is negligible. Once a bike is purchased, there are no ongoing costs associated with ownership, other than regular maintenance. If cyclists want a true say in how roads are designed to take into consideration their unique needs, maybe they should push for more regulation and taxation of cyclists (yeah right). If not, they should not expect to be anything other than an after thought.

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