Comment 100430

By kevlahan (registered) | Posted April 18, 2014 at 12:47:27 in reply to Comment 100421

There are three problems:

  1. The way this 'highway' just gradually merges into a pair of wide multi-lane one-way residential streets at the north end (which have narrow sidewalks, no buffers and few pedestrian crossings). And the way chain link fences and the on-ramp design have cut the neighbourhood into little islands making it uncomfortable and dangerous for residents and visitors to walk easily around their own urban neighbourhood (e.g. people who want to walk back from the Canadian Tire).

  2. The massively over-built and extremely expensive to maintain infrastructure of have a mini-elevated freeway (like the Gardiner) that is no long needed (if it ever really was). As Sean has pointed out, this is also extremely wasteful of land that should be generating taxes and productive uses for the community, instead of sitting unused as little triangles of grass or under-used expensive to maintain lanes.

  3. The fact that even on the highway portion the 70kmh limit is completely unrelated to the way the street is designed for speeds at least 50% higher which encourages dangerously high speeds as cars 'merge' into Victoria and from Wellington.

Comment edited by kevlahan on 2014-04-18 12:52:39

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