Comment 100395

By Pxtl (registered) - website | Posted April 17, 2014 at 12:16:35 in reply to Comment 100394

The access itself is merely a gross waste of maintenance dollars. If it carried enough traffic to justify its massive scale, the bulk of it would be perfect reasonable.

The problem is that the access doesnt' really end. It's built as a continuation of Wellington/Victoria and Upper James. Wellington/Victoria have the "continuation" effect particularly strong because they are 1-way and wide.

The effect is that it encourages speeding on the streets that flow into/out-of the access. Streets lined with houses and sidewalks and not so much as a grassy boulevard or a parked car distancing them from the live traffic.

In most cities there are deliberately traffic control features at the end of highways and ramps to make sure drivers don't keep expressway speeds on local streets... only in Hamilton do we deliberately circumvent this kind of design by creating gradual merging transitions between expressways and local streets.

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