Comment 10017

By seancb (registered) - website | Posted July 31, 2007 at 10:54:58

Studies have shown that bike lanes are more about perceived safety, and that they are often more dangerous to use. I am still on the fence about bike lanes. On one hand, they will encourage more people to ride because of the perceived safety. On the other, they create a division which lulls motorists into a mindset where the cyclists have their own space and don't need to be paid attention to anymore.

I do have one beef with your saying "multiuse paths are designed for cyclists". They are actually designed for multiple uses -- to be shared between cyclists, rollerbladers, pedestrians, and any other human powered transportation. Cyclists travelling at commuting speeds (in excess of 20km/h) are generally not welcome on multiuse paths. These commuters need a place to ride, and that place is the road. Ideally, roads should be designed as a space where all users can experience an equal level of convenience and safety. This means designing for cars AND for bikes -- NOT designing for cars and simply accommodating bikes...

Regarding passing on the right, I agree that a cyclist should not squeeze up the right had side of a line of cars. At the same time however, cars should not race past cyclists in order to get to a red light or stop sign sooner -- and that happens all the time. Especially bad is when a motorist rushes past a cyclist only to make a right turn immediately after passing. The "it's not fair" attitude regarding cyclists passing lines of cars applies equally to the cyclist being passed immediately before the intersection!

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