Comment 100145

By West Main (anonymous) | Posted April 10, 2014 at 11:16:16 in reply to Comment 100122

Two way Main From Westdale HS to John would be a disaster. I am on Main ever day. Has anyone here seen the volume of traffic. Last night a 7:30 it was full from Queen to Dundurn. That is usual. There are breaks in traffic as there should be, but the volume is immense throughout most of the day.It is THE main entrance to the city let alone the downtown. The volume is almost constant and very much unlike the cute photos that the administration posts all the time about the empty stretches on Main east of John at various times of the day.

There is logic to two way East of John on Main and King at least. I don't agree with it, but the argument is at least sound and logical. Blocking up Main Street into the downtown would be an unmitigated disaster for those people coming into the City for work or to Court or soon to the new Family medical Centre, or to St. Joe's or rarely to shop. Almost anytime between 8:00 am and 7:00 pm the traffic would be backed up literally for miles. Then imagine what would happen when there is an accident, or construction is required to fix a broke water main, or there is a fire . . . There would be literally no residual capacity.

Don't you want to develop the Downtown? Wouldn't it be great if MAC moved more services downtown. Maybe a Major retailer would be good?

And how would you do that without a two way King? And then if the LRT goes down King what would you do?

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