Comment 100136

By mikeonthemountain (registered) | Posted April 10, 2014 at 10:07:04 in reply to Comment 100117

This may be the result of attaching a 5 year moratorium on the North End 30kph pilot project. I don't endorse anarchy. But deliberate inaction and sabotage of constituents wishes can cause unexpected side effects.

And, it looks like the moratorium is either symbolic or being worked around anyway, this shortcut is getting calmed almost immediately.

That said, I absolutely agree with the principle of your comment, that we need to work together.

However doing 30kph on a city street is not illegal. Doing so in the left lane on a major arterial may not be smart, currently. But most of the time I'm cycling rather than driving, and 30kph is as fast as I go. And I'm not shy about taking a lane because too many don't pass safely. The awareness is needed.

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