Comment 100130

By ArvindS (registered) | Posted April 10, 2014 at 09:36:56

This 30 to 0 campaign is highly inventive, catchy and I think it can make a difference in making motorists aware that slowing down will make our streets safer for everyone including children, parents and seniors. I particularly like the focus on the heart instead of the head. Everyone would agree that we need to protect that child crossing the road to go to school, library or park. Or by slowing down, we make the task of crossing the street easier for a person with a disability or senior. The only challenge is as a driver wanting to slow down in neighbourhoods are those aggressive drivers who like to tailgate. Still if we get enough people involved, I believe we can shape behaviour. So I am in on this campaign.

Comment edited by ArvindS on 2014-04-10 09:40:57

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