Comment 100084

By jason (registered) | Posted April 09, 2014 at 10:39:39

Great idea! Will def be doing this. I've also noticed that when I stop at a crosswalk (say Locke/Hunter, James/Robert) to let pedestrians cross, the oncoming drivers do too.

I know city hall is trying to avoid lower speed limits as long as humanly possible. They enacted an unnecessary moratorium on neighbourhood-wide 30k speed limits for 5 years while the North End is a supposed 'trial run'.

BUT, does anyone know if that moratorium applies to isolated 30k zones? Say along Strathcona from King to York past a busy park, seniors building and elementary school?

Or Locke S along the retail district?

Or Maplewood Ave from Gage Park, past St Peters Hospital and Adelaide Hoodless school?

We should start asking for 30k signage, zebras and knockdown sticks around all parks, schools and busy hubs with seniors/daycares etc....

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