Comment 100048

By Jonathan Dalton (registered) | Posted April 08, 2014 at 15:01:30 in reply to Comment 100026

I don't know about the Android app, but when the official GO Transit app came out for iOS, it was worse than the 3rd party app (GOToronto) that had existed for years and continues to be updated. For example, you must choose either train or bus schedules, even though many routes use a combination of both. On the old app you pick a route and it shows you all available departures by train or bus. The Metrolinx app also forces you to scroll through a long list of stops to find both your origin and destination - no option to type in the first few letters to find it quickly. It's sad to see our tax dollars wasted on something the private sector (actually, just one guy) has done better and cheaper.

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