
Participants for Trinity/MIP OMB Hearing

By RTH Staff
Published January 22, 2008

Councillor Brian McHattie's office just released a notice about the upcoming Ontario Municipal Board (OMB) hearing regarding the Trinity Developments proposal adjacent to McMaster Innovation Park.

The OMB held a pre-hearing on January 15 so community groups could request "party" or "participant" status in the upcoming hearing.

The following groups received "participant" status: The Ainslie Wood/Westdale Community Association of Resident Homeowners Inc. (AWWCA), the Kirkendall Neighbourhood Association (KNA), the Westdale Village BIA, the Locke Street BIA, the Main West Esplanade BIA, and a few independent individuals.

The hearing is scheduled for April 14, 2008, but Trinity Developments has requested a delay to complete their traffic and environmental studies. Trinity is also hinting that it might back out based on the site not being "viable" for the project.


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By jason (registered) | Posted January 22, 2008 at 22:27:42

what about the city??

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By highwater (registered) | Posted January 23, 2008 at 11:11:13

I would hope that the city would fall under the 'party' category. Parties have a much higher degree of involvement than participants, and the right to call witnesses, cross examine, etc.

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By Klaus Beltzner (anonymous) | Posted February 22, 2008 at 20:58:07

Trinity has proposed a big box mall in our rural area of Manotick Ontario that absolutely no one wants or needs. Can you give us advice on how to stop this? The proposed development will be on well and septic and the urban boundary is only 2km away - where there is already a big mall planned.

Thank you.

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