
Post This Notice

By Jason Leach
Published June 16, 2005

Recently we have heard about Hamilton's new downtown ambassador program. Young people are hired for the summer to clean litter, give directions to folks and be extra eyes on the street.

Oh yeah, they are also told to take down posters from lamp posts and boarded up buildings.

Not a big deal, you say? This article from Maisonneuve offers a different perspective on the postering you see in Hamilton and any city with a vibrant cultural scene.

As a downtown resident, I can't tell you how many events, shops or gallery openings I have heard about by reading the various posters that about on local streets. Not only do they add flair and colour to an otherwise bland concrete or steel post, they are a great source of information.

The next time you're on Locke Street South or King Street, stop and take a second to read the poles. You will find information that can't be found anywhere else in town...certainly not on CH TV or the Spec.

I love the Downtown Ambassadors, but please, stop taking down posters! How am I supposed to know what is going on?

Jason Leach was born and raised in the Hammer and currently lives downtown with his wife and children. You can follow him on twitter.


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