It's YouTube day on Raise the Hammer!
Seriously, though, I've written in the past about the parallels between the propaganda campaign leading up to the war in Iraq and the similar campaign leading up to the war in Iran.
The following video about FOX News casts these parallels into sharp relief:
FOX Attacks has a petition asking the other big US mainstream newsmedia "blindly follow FOX down the road to another war."
Thanks for posting the link, Ryan, but even with this kind of coverage, I can't say that I'm particularly hopeful that history won't repeat itself. Given Americans' propensity for uncritical acceptance of their government's messages, as well as the lack of a strong opposition from the Democratic party, who don't really seem to stand for anything except what they think might win them votes, there really is no reason to feel optimistic that a public education campaign thorugh the Internet or any other media, for that matter, will makle much of a difference.
Linda McQuaig, in her latest book, has someinteresting things to say about the American mentality. Have you read it yet?
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