An article in the St. Catharines Standard throws some sand into Mayor Larry Di Ianni's squeaky-clean re-election campaign. It seems Angelo Di Ianni, Larry's brother and the Education Director of the Niagara District School Board, invited the students of a Grade 6 civics class at Fr. Hennepin School in Niagara Falls to participate in the Hamilton Spectator's online election poll.
The poll asked whether Larry Di Ianni, who happens to be Angelo's brother, should be re-elected as Hamilton's mayor.
[Kathy] Burtnik [a board trustee] said Di Ianni acknowledged to her that this did take place, but disagreed with her belief he made an error in judgment.
It gets even better. Angelo Di Ianni had just passed a decision to ban school councils from hosting forums for trustee candidates because "doing so would compromise the political neutrality of the school and staff during election time."
I love the smell of hypocrisy in the morning!
By citizen (registered) | Posted November 10, 2006 at 23:07:00
I have to admit that I do not know enough about this upcoming election. That being said I can't manage to stumble across anything genuinely positive about Di Ianni's character (albeit this is about his brother).
Seeing him in person was more than enough to make up my mind.
By evilsmurf (anonymous) | Posted November 10, 2006 at 23:22:32
Quote: "I love the smell of hypocrisy in the morning!"
Well said! (I wonder when the Spec. will publish or report on the St Kit's Standard story? - About the time the rinks open in Hell?)
The only problem with that smell is it may be with us for next 4 years of mornings, & maybe longer..?
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