Reviews - Fringe 2019

Tiny Bill Cody Sees the Devil

By Marianne Daly
Published July 25, 2019

Tiny Bill Cody Sees the Devil is a wonderfully well-woven array of original songs and stories about a recurring theme in Tor's life: musings about ghosts and the most maligned ghost of all, Satan. The way Tor describes life can turn an everyday experience - like walking from a take-out restaurant - into a hilarious existential revelry about ghosts and the devil.

Tor Lukasik-Foss is a talented writer of songs and stories, with high energy and an animated storytelling style. Everywhere he looks, Tor finds metaphors that are fresh and funny; they are often odd, but always true to his fascinating way of describing how he sees the world and experiences life.

The show is set on a simple stage, with just two chairs and a guitar stand. The back of the stage is lit with a little devil, seeming to symbolize how this spiritual character keeps lurking around at various times in Tor's life.

This show has lots of funny family moments, some deeper reflections on why a person who really wants to be helpful doesn't follow through, and a generous complement of memorable metaphors.

If you want to listen to some cool acoustic songs while you laugh and are playfully inspired to see the world from a fresh, funny and original perspective, then hurry on over to the Artword Artbar to see this highly entertaining show. It might even motivate you to be kind - without a second thought - the next time you have the opportunity.

Marianne Daly is a writer, storyteller and retired high school teacher.


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