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One of the oldest traditions in liberal democracy is the use of humour and satire to make (and sometimes score) a political point. Politics in Hamilton has generally been more ugly than funny as such, but our satire-starved city recently acquired a new voice: Mayor Bob Bratina has a doppelganger on the blogotubes.
Among Fake Mayor Bob's blogsite postings are a correction on the pronunciation of the soon-to-be-demolished Brian Timmis stadium and a pitch to CBC Radio for the job of Hamilton news editor.
I have no idea who's behind this, but I have a sneaking suspicion that they read RTH, among the various local sources of "journalism of dubious legitimacy".
If you are so inclined, you can also follow Fake Mayor Bob on twitter.
Update: Just to be clear, I'm neither endorsing nor denouncing this website - I'm just pointing it out because a new website satirizing the mayor seems newsworthy.
By Bob's Not Your Uncle (anonymous) | Posted February 28, 2011 at 07:23:33
By far the best part of this is that the site is legitimately very funny - even laugh out loud funny.
> Besides, just because I call the media to my office so I can pose for pictures with a $10,000 oversized novelty cheque doesn’t mean I’ve actually made a donation of $10,000. If we finish 2-16 this upcoming year, will you describe us as a 16-loss team? Well, you shouldn’t! It only means we had sixteen separate one-game losing streaks. It’s just a matter of how we do the paperwork.
By JoeyColeman (registered) - website | Posted February 28, 2011 at 08:40:24
I suspect the individual not only reads RTH, but actually is connected inside City Hall. When I first read this, it read with a touch of inside the ballpark.
By Fred Street (anonymous) | Posted February 28, 2011 at 08:58:46
... or individuals, no? Mightn't this be the product of a civic cabal?
Also: Given that blogs have been rolling for a decade or more and Messrs Wade, DiIanni and Eisenberger escaped such pixellated pillory, does this mean that BB is Hamilton's first 21st Century Mayor?
By JMorse (registered) | Posted February 28, 2011 at 09:13:41
This is frikkin priceless. Nothing gives me a lift quite like good ol' satire. Hats off to you who have put this together. Surely the source material will flow freely for 4 years or so.
All we need now is an Alfred E Newman version of Bob on the cover of MAD.
By Odd Job (anonymous) | Posted February 28, 2011 at 09:21:03
No idea who?
Hard to imagine you would put RTH name on it with no idea what to expect. Sounds fishy.
By Enterprise (registered) | Posted February 28, 2011 at 09:21:13
Thank you Ryan for bringing this important site to our attention. Laughter is the best medicine.
By mb (registered) | Posted February 28, 2011 at 19:27:27 in reply to Comment 60367
By Luppo (anonymous) | Posted February 28, 2011 at 22:38:33
"does this mean that BB is Hamilton's first 21st Century Mayor?"
No, it means he is the first 19th Century Mayor to meet the 21st century technology. Don't ever call RetroBob 21st Century again unless you want a pen (make that a quill) thrown at you.
By Fred Street (anonymous) | Posted March 01, 2011 at 13:07:11
By TheHamiltonGuy (anonymous) | Posted March 01, 2011 at 23:49:47
@Fred Street!
wonderful video.. says it all..
Been enjoying RTH very much, and although I have not commented on anything yet, I must now as the Twitter account and the Bob Blog really had me smile.. Actually laugh..
Thanks for pointing those Items of Interest out.
By LauraF (registered) | Posted March 12, 2011 at 14:56:09 in reply to Comment 60358
If I might reply, Joey - I've even been asked more than once if I am or know who the writer is...
The city is generally a pretty good employer. I wouldn't - and would assume most of my co-workers wouldn't - jeopardize their positions to write a satirical blog.
That being said, it does read a "touch inside the ballpark". Most people that are civically engaged are within that ballpark and know the same information. :)
By Stechkin (anonymous) | Posted March 17, 2011 at 22:00:43
Ryan, could you pass along to Matt Jelly that his blog is pretty lame and his handwriting is bunk. Maybe tell him to just stick to doing the same old posters with the futura font over and over again.
City building is great, but sour grapes because the James N. / Mayor Fred cheering squad didn't get what they wanted sure as hell ain't it.
By futurastic meatstick (anonymous) | Posted March 18, 2011 at 13:38:13
jesus stechkin....nobody deserves the kind of pownedge you just delivered to jelly......think about the fragility of your enemies before you vanquish them so effectively with your awesome zings.
By Stechkin (anonymous) | Posted March 18, 2011 at 16:10:11 in reply to Comment 61166
Pretty sure that's spelled "pwnage", Matt, but thanks anyway. Don't they have wifi at the Mulberry St. Cafe for you to Google stuff like this?
By MattJelly (registered) - website | Posted March 19, 2011 at 12:14:08 in reply to Comment 61132
Aww, come on, if you're going to be a typography troll at least get it right. I over-use Gotham, not Futura. I like it as a simple, nondescript geometric font which is compatible with many different designs. It's kind of a conscious choice.
Whoever you might be, I'd be happy to sit down for a chat any time with you to discuss typography (or anything else for that matter). However I'm sure you have reasons for your anonymity. Maybe you could also scrutinize samples of my handwriting too if that gives you some much-needed peace of mind.
As for Bob's blogsite, as much as I really enjoy the satire, it's really not me- although a lot of people have asked. I never feel it necessary to hide behind an alias when expressing myself or my views.
By Stechkin (anonymous) | Posted March 20, 2011 at 16:22:35 in reply to Comment 61195
Please... if some joker with vintage wayfarers and a really deck pair of Chucks wrote an article called "The electronic public sphere: Justifying anonymous posting from a Habermasean perspective", you guys would carry him on your shoulders down James St. like he won the Preakness.
Anywho, this "forumspondence" is a waste of time. You go back to photoshopping your face onto each of the four heads on Kraftwerk's "The Man Machine" album, and I'll go back to my job.
Feel free to have the last word. I'm done.
By MattJelly (registered) - website | Posted March 21, 2011 at 00:20:32 in reply to Comment 61212
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