
Review: Machete

By Matthew Van Allen
Published September 20, 2010

Director: Ethan Maniquis and Robert Rodriguez
Starring: Danny Trejo

I knew I was in for something special when I caught the trailer before The Expendables, but Machete has surpassed the excitement of the trailer and is over-the-top gory, good booby-bouncing madness.

Honestly, there is probably nothing justifiable in this film - it's all in excess. This makes it that much more enjoyable. Decapitations with one swipe, flying motorcycles, incredibly beautiful photographed woman and Danny Trejo jumping out of a window with one man's intestines!

It's absolutely brilliant that Robert Rodriguez took the chance of putting a man who has spent years as a bit part player into a major starring role. Let's give Danny Trejo a hand, ladies and gentleman.

My only hope is that this movie gets directors and producers thinking of bringing the lesser known names to major roles again. And I do mean to suggest that bringing back Ernie Hudson next (don't even get me started to as why Ernie was left off the original movie poster art for Ghostbusters!).

Is it about time that we start giving the top billing at big budget theatrical releases to characters who look like their real lives could have as much back story as the movie alter ego: scars, imperfections, and an edge of someone you wouldn't want to go toe to toe with.

Characters perhaps not so different from a Charles Bronson, Lee Van Cleef or Ogre (Donald Gibb - you know, the chap from Revenge of the Nerds and Blood Sport?). Guys you can't help to root for; someone who's paid their dues and has nothing to lose - the underdog.

I won't even bore you with summing up the plot. Machete don't need no plot. It's badass and gritty action at its peak. Obviously not for everyone but definitely for those who can sit back and enjoy what two hours of playfully incorrect storytelling can do.

Michelle Rodriguez is incredibly stunning in her supporting role (as are Cheech Marin and Jessica Alba). Don Johnson, Jeff Fahey, Steve Seagal and Robert De Niro play awful villains that are easy to dislike. And, well, Lindsay Lohan plays a killer Nun?!

3 shots of tequila out of 4.

Matthew is the RTH film and culture critic. He runs The In Between: Moving Pictures and Culture, which you can find inside Sky Dragon at 27 King William Street.

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By JMorse (registered) | Posted September 20, 2010 at 20:50:37

Certainly not to everyone's taste, but right up may alley!

Rutger Hauer returns in "Hobo with a Shotgun". It's the next in the same director's over-the-top retro action resurgence. I can't wait.

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