
What's Worse; Pity the Fools; and Hillary vs. the Pros

By Kevin Somers
Published November 10, 2009

What's Worse?

Life in prison or a death sentence; too busy or idle; not starting or not finishing; one beer or none; celibacy or monogamy; getting fat or growing old; hunger or thirst; burning or freezing; the devil or her disciples; the words, "I'm afraid you are dying" or, BANG, you're dead?

Pity the Fools

I implore all decent, sound-minded people to be compassionate with conservatives. Intolerant, greedy, shrill are not qualities one would wish on an enemy. Conservatives are to be pitied. Conservatives should never be allowed positions of power, however; it seems to trigger their mental illness. (Neo-cons are criminally insane, of course.)

Hillary vs. The NBA, NHL, NFL, and MLB

My daughter's basketball team is blessed with a very talented player, who always exhibits perfect sportsmanship. Hillary is great, graceful, and gracious. You needn't flock to the ACC or stare at TV to see a good role model. Sometimes, when you're lucky, the best one is just down the bench.

Fifty is a series of short (50 word) essays by Kevin Somers.

Kevin Somers is a Hamilton writer.


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