Reviews - Fringe 2009

I Hate Poetry!

By Amanda N. Nesbitt
Published July 18, 2009

The Dream Chasers (Dwayne, Leviathan and Tony) introduce us into the world of poetry, a world many of us have never truly seen before. It is a playful and animated look into the dynamic three young men bring toward poetry and the spoken word, filled with passion, anger, love and hope.

Throughout the show many profound things were said. While I watched, entranced over the energy and each individual's captivating performance, I remembered this: "I write because the world is mute and has no voice but mine." This is, in essence, what a poet does and each individual poet instills in the audience.

While all three performers were quick, humourous and at times, aggressive in their delivery, Leviathan was especially strong in his honest and natural way with words and emotions on stage. The trio also provide the audience with rage, history and often untapped subject matter that made the audience applaud and react constantly.

Through use of satire, humour and even abrasive uncomfortable subject matter, such as racism, sex and politics, these three poets demonstrate how poetry influences us all whether we love it, or hate it. It has an inspiring message one should not miss out on.

Amanda N. Nesbitt is a McMaster graudate with a double major in English/History and a minor in Theatre and Film Studies. An avid writer/photographer, she thrives being a part of Hamilton's theatre/arts movement and has been very active in the theatre community since 2003. Writing for the Fringe marks her third year participating with this amazing group of people that make up the festival and she hopes you enjoy the shows. Thank you for promoting the arts!


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