Back in January, Mayor Fred Eisenberger called for the Federal Government to locate the headquarters of a new economic development agency in Hamilton.
The federal budget allocates $1 billion over five years for a new organization called Southern Ontario Development Agency to address the dramatic loss of manufacturing jobs in the past few years.
With Hamilton's economy in transition, Eisenberger argued, the "unique experience" of shifting from steel to the "new economy" would "make Hamilton the ideal location for the new agency."
Today, the Spectator reports that Conservative MP David Sweet (Ancaster Dundas Flamborough Waterdown), NDP MP David Christopherson (Hamilton Centre) and Liberal MPP Ted McMeekin (Ancaster Dundas Flamborough Waterdown) have joined the mayor's call.
Sweet, a member of the governing Conservative Party, stated, "As southern Ontario's oldest industrial and manufacturing hub, Hamilton is the ideal location for the new agency."
By avonhamilton (registered) - website | Posted March 12, 2009 at 15:03:38
Hopefully we can STEEL this project for the Hammer!
By ducks (anonymous) | Posted March 12, 2009 at 15:15:20
^Ack, one bad pun deserves another. :P
By remembering the past (anonymous) | Posted March 12, 2009 at 16:05:55
Is this the same Chrisopherson who helped to screw up Ontario as part of the Rae/NDP fiasco. If it is don't let him near the money!
By Ghoooooooul (anonymous) | Posted March 12, 2009 at 16:34:39
Nope, you must be confusing the real Christopherson with the soc'ialist boogeyman that haunts your nightmares.
By Capitalist (anonymous) | Posted March 16, 2009 at 12:37:54
Hamilton needs private sector jobs! We don't need this government welfare project. It is things like this that have been keeping this city down.
By Woody10 (registered) | Posted March 21, 2009 at 00:46:44
Capitalist, you are hilarious. Maybe you could get a job at the new Government Welfare Project. I guess all those other government agencies like, taxation, RCMP, Justice etc.. are all welfare projects. Wish we had more of those welfare type positions in this town.
By jason (registered) | Posted March 21, 2009 at 12:39:45
Imagine how all of Ottawa's fine restaurants, shopping and expensive home market would fare if all the "welfare jobs" were removed. Lol....some people....
By A Smith (anonymous) | Posted March 21, 2009 at 23:24:45
Woody >> I guess all those other government agencies like, taxation, RCMP, Justice etc.. are all welfare projects. Wish we had more of those welfare type positions in this town.
Yes, they are all welfare projects, but your list should also include hospitals, schools/universities and all city employees jobs. None of these entities have to compete in the marketplace and without the ability to forcibly take a portion of people's income, they would not exist.
A better idea would be to reduce the percentage of non productive, taxpayer subsidized jobs, as this would allow more money to flow to private businesses. Private sector jobs are disciplined by competition, which means that over time they are forced to increase their performance, which leads to increases in real output and real wages.
In contrast, if you fill your economy with government jobs, your economy reduces the number of people who are actually fighting for their jobs and you end up weaker because of it and ever more reliant on the government to keep you fed and clothed. Nothing in life is free, stress and competition is a part of life, but they also make us better and stronger. Knowing this, what Hamilton really needs is a reduction in government spending as a percentage of the local economy and more reliance on the harsh world of the private sector, where workers actually have to keep innovating, or be kicked out the door.
Bringing in more cushy, taxpayer protected jobs is the last thing this city needs, if it actually wants to regain the title of "The Ambitious City". The city's current motto...Together Aspire - Together Achieve, sounds like something that might have come out of Cuba, or the former U.S.S.R, both great examples of failed economic models.
If this city wants to stop being the butt of other people's jokes, we should go back to the economic model that produced lots of good paying jobs, private enterprise. It is working in China, Vietnam, India and all the other nations that once relied on public spending to grow the economy, so there is no reason to believe it won't work here.
>> Imagine how all of Ottawa's fine restaurants, shopping and expensive home market would fare if all the "welfare jobs" were removed. Lol....some people....
Imagine how much better Hamilton's fine restaurants, shopping and expensive home market would be if we allowed the private sector to dominate our local economy...,_Canada
By woody10 (registered) | Posted August 19, 2009 at 19:34:03
Imagine if they privatized our police and fire departments. No more chasing dangerous bad guys cause the cops would only make $10 an hour and houses would be burning down cause firemen wouldn't be going into those houses for $10 an hour and no sick leave. Think about it.
By A Smith (anonymous) | Posted August 19, 2009 at 20:16:16
Woody10, imagine if people had to buy private fire and police services as a cost of insuring their homes. If you didn't pay for these protection services, you would be on the line for any and all damage to the biggest asset in your portfolio, all because you were unwilling to pay a small protection fee. How many people would want to risk hundreds of thousands of dollars in this way?
Give me a specific percentage.
By woody10 (registered) | Posted August 19, 2009 at 22:14:14
I know that there were a few private fire departments in the states. In one case there was a fire was across the street from their "private run" station and the house was in a different private area, kiss the house goodbye. Those guys didn't move. True story. Cause they knew they wouldn't get paid. Plus I bet the isurance costs would skyrocket if Police services were privatized. Fire and ambulance too. Look how much medical insurance (ambulance) is in the states.
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