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Adam Chiaravalle is a a research assistant for Dr. Chad Harvey in the School of Interdisciplinary Sciences at McMaster University.
Creating a Permaculture Garden - A team of volunteers has begun the work of converting a backyard into a permaculture garden of perennial vegetables. Published November 17, 2017 in Special Report: Climate Change
Food for Thought: Bringing Farms into Canadian Universities - Having a farm at McMaster can do even more to build our personal capacity to address climate change in way that does not build cynicism, but rather creates community and shows that we can make a difference while having fun. Published September 28, 2017 in Special Report: Climate Change
Helping Make Change Happen in Stinson Neighbourhood - If we are ever going to turn around climate change, we need to be able to re-learn how to have fun with one another and derive fulfillment from simple experiences. Published June 23, 2017 in Special Report: Climate Change
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