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David Cohen is a freelance writer and a part-time teacher. He has worked as a journalist and a communications officer (promoting workplace health and safety). He served on the Dundas Town Council from 1991 to 1994.
Email: david316@sympatico.ca
Is Hamilton an American City? - The USA stands on its own among industrialized countries in sheer inequality. Canada as a whole is somewhere between the USA and Europe, but Hamilton is closer to the American model. Published October 21, 2010 in Municipal Election 2010
Book Review: Autophobia, by Brian Ladd (University of Chicago Press, 2009) - We who live in Hamilton know that the traffic-engineering view of the world dies hard. Ladd recognizes this reality. He does not rail against it; nor does he accept it. Published March 20, 2009 in Reviews
The Social Costs of CARnage - Putting a dollar figure on a transportation-related injury or death may seem hard-hearted, but it can be done. It should be done, if only to underline the enormous human costs of our car/truck dominated transportation system. Published October 02, 2008 in Commentary
Puncturing Dreschel's Presumptions - Andrew Dreschel admits that suburban sprawl leads to increased car use – a breathtaking statement from one who supported Red Hill all the way, every way. Published February 14, 2008 in Commentary
Trying to Kick the Car Habit - City Hall is committed to walkable streets, but on the Department of Public Works' terms. Published November 23, 2006 in Cover
Jane and Lewis - Jane Jacobs and Lewis Mumford were united on many urban issues, but could not agree on how best to humanize cities. Published May 05, 2006 in Opinion
Bikers Want to Bike on the Main Streets, Published August 07, 2009 in Transportation
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