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Rudo de Ruijter is an independent analyst based in The Netherlands.
Email: rudoderuijter@wanadoo.nl
Toward a Sound Economy - The main cause of the economic crisis is not the loss on the subprime mortgages, but the structurally decreased capacity of banks to take losses. Published June 16, 2009 in Opinion
Energy crisis: Turning Point of Humanity - For this new era of energy scarcity, new economic principles are needed to maintain prosperity. Published July 07, 2008 in Special Report: Peak Oil
Money, Interest and Inflation - The policy of most central banks is based on permanent growth of the money stock. Can the world survive this policy much longer? Published November 08, 2007 in Commentary
Dollar Contributions, Wars and Collapse - Well camoflaged, the US dollar is at the centre of several conflicts. Published February 26, 2007 in Commentary
Pipelines to 9/11 - The terrorist attacks of 9/11 gave the US government the pretext it needed to launch the war in Afghanistan that it was already planning. Published August 30, 2006 in Opinion
US-IRAN: Raid on the nuclear fuel market - The United States is buying European support for its campaign against Iran with the promise of a nuclear fuel enrichment oligopoly. Published May 05, 2006 in Opinion
How can the Dollar Collapse in Iran? - The Iranian Oil Bourse threatens the historic role of the US dollar as the world's reserve currency. Published February 15, 2006 in Opinion
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