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Paris Rutherford IV, AICP is the Vice President of Planning and Urban Design at RTKL Associates, an architecture firm based on New Urbanist principles.
Email: prutherford@rtkl.com
Saving the Suburbs - The challenge of reinventing the suburbs is difficult for even the most enterprising town leaders and Published October 21, 2005 in Suburbia Project
Sidebar: The Answer to Zoning Troubles? - Form-based codes can transform suburbs from bedroom communities or strip mall thoroughfares into a bustling communities centers with commercial, retail, and public areas all accessible in a pedestrian-friendly area. Published October 21, 2005 in Suburbia Project
Sidebar: The New American Dream - Creating smart suburban downtowns with a mix of uses can help form the logical connections that help new Americans get to jobs, spend their free time, and access public and educational services. Published October 21, 2005 in Suburbia Project
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