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Christopher Kiely is a "middle class white guy" who was raised to believe certain things and has watched the world do the complete opposite for 30+ years. He attended Mohawk College in the 1990s, has traveled around some since and now lives with his family in Hamilton.
Consumption, Consumption, What's My Function? - The amount of resources consumed just to extract resources we can consume has become staggeringly high. How much farther can this go? Published March 10, 2011 in Opinion
What is a Stadium Worth? - I'd feel more pride in our city if we had a clean harbour, clean air, less unemployment and fewer vacant polluted lots than a decade of back-to-back Grey Cup victories. Published July 15, 2010 in Opinion
A Welcoming City for Immigrants - It should concern us all when immigrants - and the new ideas, new approaches to problem solving, new music and art they bring wiht them - feel marginalized and unwelcome in our city. Published June 16, 2010 in Opinion
Why Would We Believe?, Published April 18, 2011 in Philosophy
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