Articles from July, 2011

Open Data is Cool
Dowsing and Milton Splash are just small examples of what can be accomplished with open data.
by Nik Garkusha
Published July 26, 2011 in Special Report: Open Public Data (2 comments)

What Does Hamilton Want to Be When it Grows Up?
Light Rail Transit would surely fuel the fires of rapid change in this city, but it would be a welcome change.
by Larry Pattison
Published July 22, 2011 in Special Report: Light Rail (90 comments)

McHattie to Present Open Data Notice of Motion
Councillor Brian McHattie will call on Council to direct staff to prepare a report on the benefits, risks and opportunities associated with a City commitment to open public data.
by Ryan McGreal
Published July 22, 2011 in Special Report: Open Public Data (6 comments)

McMeekin: City Must Set Rapid Transit Priorities
Liberal MPP Ted McMeekin has said that Hamilton must set its rapid transit priorities and make a good business case for LRT along the B-Line, while Metrolinx reconfirms that Hamilton needs to get its LRT plan ready before any funding decisions are made.
by Ryan McGreal
Published July 21, 2011 in Special Report: Light Rail (15 comments)

'It is Possible to Fry People': Health Effects of Heat Islands
Hamilton's expanses of asphalt contribute to the heat island effect that puts our citizens at risk during heat waves. Why do we continue to permit them?
by John Neary
Published July 21, 2011 in Special Report (21 comments)

LRT and Hamilton's Industrial Future
In the LRT debate, not only the appeal of various technical solutions are at issue but it is also a visioning exercise that involves the psyche of the whole city. What does Hamilton want to become?
by Michael Cumming
Published July 20, 2011 in Special Report: Light Rail (17 comments)

It's Time to Take Our Booze Back
Ontario remains stuck with liquor control regulations that were written in the 1920s. It's time to break up the regulated beer monopoly and let entrepreneurs innovate and compete fairly.
by Lorenzo Somma
Published July 20, 2011 in Opinion (17 comments)

Is Council Going to Stand For This?
Will senior management be allowed to unilaterally shift the city's transportation priorities, or will Council step up and assert its leadership over the city's goals?
by Ryan McGreal
Published July 18, 2011 in Special Report: Light Rail (52 comments)

Murray to Council: Suspend Work on LRT, Focus on All-Day GO
The City's Senior Management Team has suspended all work on LRT that is not required to meet provincial funding requirements and appointed a manager to "aggressively pursue" all-day GO service.
by RTH Staff
Published July 18, 2011 in Special Report: Light Rail (83 comments)

City Needs More from McMaster to Justify $55 Million
Imagine the possibilities for downtown revitalization in a joint bid by McMaster and the City to build a student residence in the vacant Royal Connaught building.
by Joey Coleman
Published July 18, 2011 in Special Report: Education (29 comments)

Movie Reviews: Roadhouse and Valhalla Rising
From ripped throats and roadhouse blues to one-eyed warriors and holy quests: what's not to like?
by Matthew Van Allen
Published July 18, 2011 in Reviews (1 comment)

Hamilton as Educational Startup Centre
If Hamilton waits for McMaster to embrace downtown Hamilton, we might be waiting for a long time. Better to create our own institutions from the ground up.
by Mahesh P. Butani
Published July 18, 2011 in Opinion (5 comments)

Taking Action to Break the Poverty Cycle in Hamilton
We need Mohawk, and especially McMaster, to move into our neighbourhoods and build the dream of higher education in all our communities.
by Joey Coleman
Published July 14, 2011 in Commentary (34 comments)

1979, 1929, or Something Else Entirely?
Should the European Central Bank see the value of its assets fall by less than five percent, its entire capital base would be wiped out.
by Andrew McKillop
Published July 14, 2011 in Commentary (3 comments)

Bratina, Murray Cool on Light Rail
On the Bill Kelly Show, Mayor Bob Bratina and City Manager Chris Murry expressed deep skepticism about Hamilton's light rail transit plan.
by Ryan McGreal
Published July 11, 2011 in Special Report: Light Rail (137 comments)

Deaths in Venice: A Centenary Tourist Experience
All holidays are fabrications. The fact of moving through a place we won't remain in means we don't put down foundations, but instead invent brief possible selves that we never become.
by Mark Fenton
Published July 10, 2011 in Photo Essay (4 comments)

Bike Safety as Social Justice
It's time to get serious about engineering our city for bike safety, not because it's the trendy 'hipster' thing to do, but because so many Hamiltonians of limited means depend on bikes to travel without getting maimed or killed.
by Jason Allen
Published July 08, 2011 in Special Report: Cycling (45 comments)

Council Needs to Advance, Not Punt on LRT
The Provincial decision on which rapid transit projects will get funded is a political decision, and the level of support and enthusiasm - from Hamilton's citizens and politicians alike - will be a significant factor in what the Province decides.
by Ryan McGreal
Published July 08, 2011 in Special Report: Light Rail (13 comments)

How Paris Decided to Become a Bicycle-Friendly City
We are where we are today because of a long series of decisions that reflected our values and priorities. If we want our future to look different, we need to make different decisions. It's that simple.
by Ryan McGreal
Published July 07, 2011 in Special Report: Cycling (53 comments)

Tell Council You Support Light Rail
Send Council a message. Remind them why LRT is a good idea - why they unanimously supported it just three years ago.
by RTH Staff
Published July 06, 2011 in Special Report: Light Rail (9 comments)

Blind Faith in Bike Helmets is Dangerous
Rather than mandating helmet use for cyclists, we should be pushing for safer streets for cyclists (and by extension, pedestrians).
by Sean Burak
Published July 06, 2011 in Special Report: Cycling (57 comments)

Rudderless Council Drifts Aimlessly on LRT
After years of community organizing, extensive study and planning, unprecedented public engagement and a unanimous Council vote of support, Hamilton's LRT bid now seems to be crumbling due to a lack of leadership.
by Ryan McGreal
Published July 05, 2011 in Special Report: Light Rail (32 comments)

Light Rail Needs Leadership From Mayor
If our own Mayor still doesn't clearly support LRT, we are going to lose out to our neighbouring competitor cities, who are better able to enunciate their priorities clearly and forcefully.
by Nicholas Kevlahan
Published July 05, 2011 in Special Report: Light Rail (32 comments)

A More Balanced Economic Study of Social Assistance
Hamilton has an important opportunity to give some serious thought to the analysis that social assistance provides real benefits as well as costs.
by Bob Wood
Published July 03, 2011 in Commentary (41 comments)

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