Breaking Concrete
In a few hundred million years, archeologists for a new species will conclude we were dumber than the dinosaurs that preceded us.
by Kevin Somers
Published June 16, 2006 in Entertainment and Sports (1 comment)
Cycle Safely
Collisions usually happen because one person does something unexpected and the other does not notice it in time to respond appropriately.
by Ryan McGreal
Published June 16, 2006 in Special Report: Cycling (3 comments)
A Personal Peak Oil Discovery Process, Part II
Taking steps to prepare for a world of diminishing oil resources.
by John Rawlins
Published June 16, 2006 in Special Report: Peak Oil (4 comments)
From Centre Mall to the Fringe
Can a photo essayist and a documentary filmmaker find each other if there's no Tim Horton's to guide them?
by Mark Fenton
Published June 16, 2006 in Photo Essay (0 comments)
A Civilized, Democratic Fuss
A Dundas resident enters the world of citizen engagement by trying to save a tree.
by Maggie Fox
Published June 16, 2006 in Opinion (2 comments)
Kuwabara on Hamilton's City Square
The architect who renovated the AGH says Hamilton needs to focus urban revitalization around Gore Park, which he calls "one of Canada's great urban spaces."
by Nicholas Kevlahan
Published June 16, 2006 in Opinion (7 comments)
Downtown Update
The International Village is well on its way to becoming Hamilton's most multicultural eating neighbourhood.
by Jason Leach
Published June 16, 2006 in Downtown Bureau (0 comments)
Keep the Momentum Going
Andrew Allen makes a case for LIUNA's plan to demolish and replicate the Lister Block.
by Andrew Allen
Published June 16, 2006 in Opinion (1 comment)
No Crepes on Locke?
A local business owner on Locke Street plans to expand his business, but some neighbouring residents are concerned.
by Adrian Duyzer
Published June 16, 2006 in Local News (11 comments)
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