
Additions to RTH First Principles

A reader suggests two additions to the RTH first principles.

By Letter to the Editor
Published April 10, 2007

Dear Editor,

Suggested additions to the RTH First Principles:

19. Keep it clean and green – no matter how humble the area, nothing keeps the spirit going as much as a clean sidewalk, a flower pot or a tree for shade and shelter. Everyone is responsible for this. Stash your own trash. Pick up some litter. Fight entropy.

20. Care about your environment and make it better. Put a bit of effort (not necessarily a lot of cash) into making your corner of the world just a bit nicer. That gives others a lift and they will do the same. While you are at it, care about your neighbours. Give them a smile, a welcome, a hand if they need it. It is really people that make a community, and that’s what it takes to raise the hammer!

Sincerely, John Alley

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