
Save Our Services: Finding a New Home for Wesley Day Centre

We need to continue struggling for what is right for our whole community and ensure we take care of our most vulnerable.

By Nicole Smith
Published July 05, 2019

Wesley Community Homes Inc. sign
Wesley Community Homes Inc. sign

Some of you may have read my article in June here. This is a further update on where we are today with #SaveTheWesleyDayCentre, and why you will also see the hashtag #SaveOurServices tweeted or shared on Facebook along with the first.

Since the June Emergency Services meeting reported on by Teviah Moro, there has been a lot of activity behind the scenes: productive and encouraging conversations between Shelter Health Network representatives and the Mayor, city councillors, city staff, and people from the Wesley Day Centre. We also had a very well attended and inspiring rally on June 25, and the following day the Mayor received an open letter with nearly 700 signatories (including ones collected on paper at the rally).

Next Thursday, July 11, we will return to the Emergency Services Committee at 1:30 PM to delegate again and hear what the committee recommends to save the services at the Wesley Day Centre, recognizing it will probably mean keeping the doors open only until we can find a more permanent solution at a new address (hence the new hashtag #SaveOurServices). Priorities continue to include a second CTS for Hamilton (better known as a Supervised Injection Site).

You may RSVP here to come support the cause on that day at City Hall.

Finally, all are welcome to attend a very special Town Hall on Wednesday, July 17, from 7 to 9 PM at the YWCA. Panelists will be available to provide background information as well as the most recent updates and next steps.

RSVP here for the 17th and share this link with your contacts, please.

This is a very challenging time for our city with all of the tensions within the community post-Pride due to the growing disillusionment with the response of Council to efforts to free Cedar and have open dialogue.

I feel strongly that #SaveOurServices is something we can all get behind as a community in these trying times, to ensure some of our most vulnerable do not lose this vital hub and to re-invigorate us to continue struggling for what is right for our whole community.

Thank you for taking the time to read this, and thanks to the hundreds of supporters this cause already has all over Hamilton. This city has a big heart!

Nicole Smith is the Director at Hamilton West End Kumon, as well as the president of the independent North American Kumon franchisee association, IAKF.


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