Editorial Cartoon: Our World Leaders' Response to Peak Oil
By Trey Shaughnessy
Published April 09, 2006
Editorial Cartoon: Our World Leaders' Response to Peak Oil
By adrian (registered) | Posted April 10, 2006 at 12:56:57
What, you really want them to jump out of the frying pan and into the fire?
By adrian (registered) | Posted April 10, 2006 at 12:57:52
Here's another thought: it takes oil to fuel that fire. Perhaps your frog is hoping that it'll burn out before he starts cooking.
By reidvinette (registered) | Posted June 08, 2006 at 03:19:06
June 7, 2006
The world is now at Peak Oil for the United States with the five supergiant oil fields supplying this country now in decline as of March 16, 2005. It takes one year to realize an oil field is in decline.
Beginning on March 16, 2006 the energy crises for the United States began ... or did it.
If there is an energy crises, it is a crises which has been created by the oil companies and industrial governments like the United States and Canada.
There is an energy solution to power modern day vehicles and it is called on demand water fracturing into hydrogen and oxygen.
www.waterpoweredcar.com www.waterfuelcell.org
This technology is so powerful that industrial governments are trying to keep a lid on it.
Industrial governments cannot tax the water it takes to fill your water tank in your car.
Oil companies cannot profit from the sale of water it takes to fill your water tank in your car.
Discover water fracturing technology and begin experimenting in your garage.
The energy crises I believe is a myth now.
Water fracturing technology can preserve valuable oil for petro-chemical products, and agricultural uses. Water fracturing technology can be used for vehicle transportation, and energy to power electrical generating plants now dependant on natural gas.
By just_me (anonymous) | Posted May 14, 2008 at 14:55:43
Adrian...have you ever heard about how when you leave a frog in a pot of water and slowly heat it up, he doesn't realize it until it's too late?
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