Special Report: Bus Lane

Let Us Not Step Backwards on Transit

There will always be growing pains, but changes such as the bus lane are necessary steps to giving Hamilton a better, bigger, and brighter future.

By Hollie Pocsai
Published January 21, 2015

This morning, two full buses passed me by on Barton Street before I was finally picked up by a third emptier bus.

I therefore missed my subsequent connection at King and James to head into Westdale and was late for work, despite leaving almost an hour earlier.

This is a regular occurrence that I experience, especially on days with inclement weather.

As a citizen who chooses to take public transit as their primary form of transportation, the resistance to improve the HSR by council is absolutely baffling to me.

I experience full buses, standing room only buses, line-ups at the MacNab terminal. People use the bus, and more will do so if proper care is taken to expand and emphasize the system.

The bus lane was a small victory (and oh how very small that length of bus lane is!) in becoming a more progressive city with a stronger focus on alternative methods of transportation.

Let us not take a step backwards to remove an already implemented change. There will always be growing pains, but changes such as the bus lane are necessary steps to giving Hamilton a better, bigger, and brighter future.

This article is adapted from a letter to Council.

Please add your voice to the Support Hamilton Transit campaign to keep the bus lane.

Hollie Pocsai is co-owner of White Elephant Boutique on James Street North.

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By Al (anonymous) | Posted January 21, 2015 at 15:12:22

"resistance to improve the HSR by council is absolutely baffling to me"... and upsetting to many as well.

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