Hamiltonians are blessed to have a variety of vistas and urban scenes to enjoy as the leaves change colours and the days grow shorter.
By Jason Leach
Published November 10, 2005
Fall is a spectacular time of year in the Hammer. Those of you who find it too hot in the summer to get out and enjoy our great city can easily do so before the cold winter hits.
Hamiltonians are blessed to have a variety of vistas and urban scenes to enjoy as the leaves change colours and the days grow shorter.
This photo tour is a small glimpse into the life of an urban dweller in Hamilton's downtown. Tie on your shoes and take your own autumn stroll through Hamilton's great neighbourhoods. Look up, look down, stop and admire the history that surrounds you.
Even if you've lived here all your life, you're sure to stumble across a great street, harbour view or historic building that you've never seen before.
Happy autumn in a cool city.
Fall is on the way
Rail Trail in downtown Hamilton
Daughter enjoying a hike
Leaves under a blue sky
Hess Village
Dundurn cockpit
Trees and castle
Harbour view mere steps from home
Fall skyline
Locke Street shop
Urban neighbourhood
King Street
Locke at night
Passing cars
James North cafes
Asian café through trees
You won't find this at a mall
King Street cafe
Typical downtown street
Markland towns
Living downtown
By Forest Foliage (anonymous) | Posted July 29, 2010 at 11:42:21
Wonderful Fall pictures. I especially enjoy forestfoliage.com when looking at fall foliage. Some of these pics really make me yearn for the cool temperatures of Autumn.
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