Comment 94512

By Shempatolla (registered) - website | Posted November 07, 2013 at 22:10:27 in reply to Comment 94461

The problem with standard speed bumps is they don't really impede the progress of a car, but a heavy duty large wheeled vehicle going over them at any kind of speed can result in spinal injuries for everyone on board. It's more about where they are installed. And again there are traffic calming measures that are zero impact that work just as well.
I can't speak to Hamilton but in Toronto there was a stampede to put speed bumps in everywhere, with only a petition of 5 signatures on a street required to be put on the installation list. It got out of hand, there was no coordination, and I question the end result. There are areas that need traffic calming and those that don't . The goal is to properly identify them.

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