Comment 80634

By Pxtl (registered) - website | Posted September 06, 2012 at 15:24:26 in reply to Comment 80630

Yeah, that.

I could live with a "rehabilitated" main/king/cannon/Queen/wellington/victoria. Close some redundant driveways, take away a lane on each side for a permanent parking bump-out, bike lanes, add bike boxes, etc. to get the fast live traffic away from the pedestrians, add more crosswalks, put up some jersey barriers and bollards where appropriate, whatever.

I could live with it... I don't honestly know if it would really help though, because losing those lanes might end up doing more damage to traffic flow than just going 2-way, plus you'd have the same 1-way problems with navigation and the 60km/h traffic blasting along the green wave threatening to obliterate any unfortunately ill-timed pedestrians.

But either way, I'd never send a letter to the city to that effect as they'd easily interpret it as "1 vote for 1-way streets!".

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