Comment 78684

By djfern (registered) | Posted June 19, 2012 at 17:56:11 in reply to Comment 78647

HI. I appreciate the contributions. Yes, there's been a lot of condo development. Although I didn't live in Leslieville for 20 years, it did seem to me that most of that condo development (Colgate excepted) is happening much more recently. And Colgate was only town homes.

Not to negate the power of Developer ad budgets to rebrand a neighbourhood, but the number of houses throughout Leslieville vastly outnumbers the number of condos.

Up until literally five and more like two years ago, there were almost no condos higher than three floors in the entire neighbourhood, now there are like five I can think of off the top of my head, and several more on the way.

So from the late nineties until now, most of the economic power for local shopping has been coming from home owners - and condo dwellers will certainly only add to it.

Basically, I don't agree with the sentiment that it's only Men in Black big money developers who drive change. I think regular folks moving in en masse to a neighbourhood are equally if not more powerful - wether it is coordinated or not.

And in the case of beating down the Walmart - that was highly coordinated and had lots of help from local councillors as well as the MP and MPP for the area (Jack Layton and Peter Tabuns. It went to the OMB (a rubber stamp for developers normally) and lost. Smart Centres appealed and they lost again. If that's not community action, I can't think of a better example...

Comment edited by djfern on 2012-06-19 18:11:32

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