Comment 74220

By H+H (registered) - website | Posted February 11, 2012 at 16:19:11 in reply to Comment 74196

@Simon and Screaming Viking Thanks for the added perspective. While I didn't mean to suggest this was the sum total of the analysis, Simon's points are very helpful. Clearly you've done this kind of analysis before. I have not.

The key point I wanted to make is that the numbers presented to Trustees for their consideration and their decision were likely these ones. While it's likely there was some explanation of the process, I'd be surprised, although pleasantly if wrong, if Trustees dug very deep into the weighting, rationale, and other factors.

When we do get more info, it would be really helpful to have people who have hands on experience with this level of assessment help the rest of us understand how we ended up with Crestwood as the #1 option, beyond simply a +.20 total rating.

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