Comment 73935

By DowntownInHamilton (registered) | Posted February 08, 2012 at 07:51:05 in reply to Comment 73804

Living right off of John South, I can say this:

  • The 2-lane conversion here is not helping anything retail-related. We aren't flourishing here.
  • Of course there's more lanes going north than south since that's how the Jolley Cut and John used to be. In most areas it's 3 lanes wide. How would you fix this? Remove a lane for the people heading to St. Joes, the courthouse, TH&B, downtown, the east end, the west end? Make 2 lanes going south to get out of the core and up the mountain?
  • There is street parking everywhere off of John and James. Forest, Young, Catherine, Agusta, St. Joseph, Walnut... they all have bumper to bumper parking. Further to this, there's really no need, on John anyway, for street parking. What do you need to go to - the gas station? The tattoo parlour? The mental health building? the building for metaphysical research? the garages? the convenience stores?

James, on the other hand, has lots of business. But again, there's plenty of side-street parking and parking lots to use instead.

Sorry, but I disagree with your post. Most of the "sucking" 2-way conversions aren't due to the way it was done or the outcome - it's because there isn't anything there that people need to go to.

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