Comment 70339

By seancb (registered) - website | Posted October 05, 2011 at 11:38:57 in reply to Comment 70337

"show me an example but the example we have doesn't count"?

The 403 bridge is a two way bike lane on a one way street (which also has highway ramps which SHOULD be intersections but that's another discussion), so it does count. Markland has a contraflow lane for much of its length. The Main street 403 bridge is supposed to be getting a multi use path (presumably two-way) when it is complete. And in other major Canadian cities, two way bike lanes exist on one-way streets. It is not a new concept. Interactions at intersections are no more dangerous and can actually be improved over same-direction bike lanes with proper signalling.

It all comes down to designing the intersections properly. Eliminating turns on reds and adding cycle-specific red lights will give cars the opportunity to turn across the lane safely and would eliminate people turning onto the street from failing to check in the "wrong" direction for bikes.

A separated lane is a very clear part of the road and it is less likely to be overlooked by motorists than the standard painted bike lane.

I will restate - this is not the same thing as having cyclists simply riding the wrong way down the street behind a painted line (though this works fine on Markland already)

Comment edited by seancb on 2011-10-05 11:39:48

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