Comment 69570

By WayToGoSheri (anonymous) | Posted September 13, 2011 at 16:53:37 in reply to Comment 69431

As a North-ender, YES! I would have loved to be able to walk to and from TiCats games. Watch concerts, or simply listen to them from my backyard (which I can currently hear when festivals are held at Bayfront Park).

I would have mostly loved to see an abandoned, toxic dump site cleaned and reused as an athletics park of sorts, complete with community field and velodrome. A safe area for our kids to play, learn and possibly work.

As a Northender, I am ashamed that Ms Selway claims to represent us, when really all she represents is the personal interests of herself and the other closed-minded, one-way thinkers that make up the NEN.

1 Jarvis may have had a strong influence, but it was Sheri Selway's campaign of "Think of the Children" that the TiCats based the majority of their arguments on (ie: "don't build a stadium next to a residential neighbourhood").
Had the NEN adopted PanAm precinct plans, the TiCats argument would be moot and all they would have is their actual agenda: Monopolizing any and every revenue stream.

So again, as a Northender, I blame the North End Neighbours (the organization, not the actual neighbours).

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