Comment 67935

By kevlahan (registered) | Posted August 12, 2011 at 14:29:44

Just for reference, here is the April 1, 2009 announcement of $3 million to "assist Hamilton (in cooperation with Metrolinx) in finalizing their plans for these corridors." Note that it is clear that Metrolinx was assisting Hamilton's own planning work, not that all further rapid transit studies in Hamilton would be funded exclusively by Metrolinx! Hamilton had been engaging in its own rapid transit studies with its own rapid transit team since early 2008 without any direct funding from Metrolinx.

Hamilton Rapid Transit Studies

Description Study potential rapid transit on two corridors in Hamilton, including East-West Corridor (King-Main Streets) and James-Upper James Street Corridor Hamilton is currently developing rapid transit plans for the two major corridors This funding will assist Hamilton (in cooperation with Metrolinx) in finalizing their plans for these corridors.

Timing Planning study to be completed by spring 2010.

Cost Cost Estimate: $3 million

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