Comment 67646

By mystoneycreek (registered) - website | Posted August 08, 2011 at 13:51:18

It is not our job to "push for LRT funding". It is our job to provide the Province a benefits case that will encourage them to make the investment in Hamilton. That will only come with solid data around capital costs, operating costs, and new revenues derived from the project. If the numbers work, including tax implications for Hamilton residents and businesses, approval will follow. The media suggestion that there is some sort of debate going on is frankly false. Right now Council has nothing upon which to make further decisions, which will now occur thanks to the direction of the City Manager. Otherwise nothing might have happened as late as spring 2012 in terms of Council deliberation.

It is not our job to "push for LRT funding". I mean, seriously; wouldn't that require leadership skills, inspiring people, having a sense of vision and regularly infusing the citizens of this fine city with such energies? I don't remember that being part of my job description. Because really, getting the province to invest in Hamilton will only come with solid data around capital costs, operating costs, and new revenues derived from the project. What are you suggesting, that we find ways to build a groundswell of support in Hamilton? By what I was just yammering on about, that leadership and vision stuff? (Hmm... Let me talk to Peggy and Bill Kelly...) If the numbers work, including tax implications for Hamilton residents and businesses, approval will follow. I mean, you're not suggesting that I get out there and work the streets, get involved in focusing the residents towards a future-looking goal, do you? (Would this include town hall meetings? Just the thought of being put on the spot like that makes me- Never mind.) The media suggestion that there is some sort of debate going on is frankly false. Debates are only possible with two or more sides, and from where I'm sitting (Actually, this is Chris's seat, but he's away...) there is only one side. (Gawd, it's actually nice to be Mayor. Especially when you're only talking to Bill and the gang...and they've promised not to quote me for a while.) Right now Council has nothing upon which to make further decisions, which will now occur thanks to the direction of the City Manager. (Did I mention how nice it is to be Mayor?) Otherwise nothing might have happened as late as spring 2012 in terms of Council deliberation. (Not that I can see anything of any note happening in that time-frame, anyway. Did I mention that this exchange is confidential? Because you don't work for CHML on the side, right...?)

Comment edited by mystoneycreek on 2011-08-08 14:02:10

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